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  1. D

    Increase the Equip drop rate on Monsters level 1-10

    Basically, the suggestion is to improve the droprate on equips for only the following monsters: Snail Blue Snail Shroom Stump Red Snail Slime Pig Orange Mushroom Ribbon Pig Dark Stump Pretty much this entire list of monsters - Hidden Street Cut off point being Octopus because he drops a shield...
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    Change arrow sell price

    As I was throwing away the millionth bag of arrows, I was thinking "man I wish this server would just remove these things from higher level mobs, so we didn't have to waste time throwing them away all the time" basically a quality of life improvement. This was initially to be my suggestion...
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    Add server wide announcements for 2nd/3rd job advance

    Pretty self explanatory suggestion. Many other servers have this feature and no it isn't "vanila" Maplestory but it adds a sense of achievement and recognition to players who reach Lvl 30 and 70. Could also add an announcement for other levels if you'd prefer, but these two are the big ones many...
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    Buff the Damage of Final Attack

    A much better buff in my opinion would be to simply make it to where it doesn't have diminishing damage on multiple enemies, so basically when you use slash blast and it procs you will do the same percent damage to all of the enemies instead of less damage per enemy hit.
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    Mark Of The Survivor

    On one hand this is very welcome and will please many people, on the other it sort of diminishes people's hats who played beta. Saying this as someone who doesn't receive any beta hat btw.
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    Give archers a party skill

    IMO Archers really need something to be able to offer parties, to be more accepted into training squads and boss runs. I've been brainstorming ideas for a while now and here's the best idea I've come up with. Turn 1st job skill "Focus" into a party buff. This would give party members more...
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    Suggestion: final attack toggle On/Off

    I disagree, as a future White Knight of this server I will definitely be going for final attack. (however a toggle and/or buff to this skill would be AMAZING and VERY welcome plz)
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    Remove gender restriction from armor

    I would prefer the solution of adding top/bottom scrolls to hand picked mob droptables, so it is available to players and thus male sins can scroll their gear. Keeps a bit of difference between the two, this way.
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    Suggestion: Pio And The Recycling - (The Relaxer)

    The only issue I have with this chair is that it makes a warrior skill less desirable and that skill is HP recovery while standing still. This chair basically grants that skill to every class for free which is obviously a design oversight or flaw.
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    POLL: How should the EXP be adjusted? (repost)

    In my opinion option 4 is the best with option 3 being a close second. Option 4 allows for all of the early game content to be enjoyed while also easing the extreme grind of later levels. It also differentiates the server from Phoenix by a large degree allowing players who want an easier time...
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    Suggestion: Increase scroll drop chance

    It only makes basic sense to increase the scroll drop rate. Each equipment requires roughly seven scrolls but the drop rate of scrolls and equipment are similar or in some cases the scrolls are even rarer which doesn't make any design sense. that's not even to consider the fact that scrolling is...
  12. D

    Area bosses

    I do enjoy all of the area bosses and I do think it adds more positive things to the game but I also want to follow the timeline fairly accurately so I would prefer if these area bosses were added later closer to when they originally were added in the original game.
  13. D

    Skill Balancing(Mostly for White Knight and Crusader)

    I'm somebody who prefers to make this game better instead of preserving the mistakes and flaws so normally I would support your thread. However it's pretty obvious the philosophy of this server is to preserve those mistakes and so it is unlikely for any major changes to be made and even if they...
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    Content at start.

    I vastly prefer slower updates as opposed to most players who seem to want content quickly. I really cherish the time before ossyria is added plus I would like for a several-month period of Victoria only. The way I see things as once we have it there's no going back so take things slow and...
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    Mesos or Vote

    Basically agree with what quiet said.
  16. D

    What Will You Play First?

    Per usual without any skill changes I'm between assassin and dragon knight. Leaning heavily towards assassin because they have a good first second and third job whereas DK is a late bloomer. I heavily considered bandit for a while but I like to play with a controller and using meso explosion is...
  17. D

    On Gachapon

    My opinion is that the old gachapon as you've described it is indeed a smaller advantage than people seem to initially think, however it is still and could be a solid source of mesos from npcing these junk equips. In theory someone with hundreds of dollars could easily amass several million...