Alterntive to removing secondary stats


New Member
Secondary stats have always been a part of Maplestory, and right now we are seeking out more ways to make gear and character builds more appealing. I've already proposed adding Additional scrolls to the game, so players are not locked into a sauna robe or everyone taking the same path.

In order to promote more pathways to build a character, I propose the "Godly Stat Items".

This system would allow items to drop +5 from their max stats.
For example:

Black Salt Shoes +1 int (+2int) , + 1 luk (+2 luk)
under the "Godly Stat Item" system this shoe would have a chance to drop up to +7int , +7 luk. If all gear is affected this way the magician can gain a large portion of luk from gear. Making it easier to wear a wand or staff.

I believe this system, with or without the Additional scrolls, would help classes wear weapons and armor that a player could not normally wear in an optimal sense. In addition, it would promote a more diverse free market and keep players sticking around for better gear.
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Removal of secondary stats
This idea felt way too rushed to me. I think that looking for alternatives is great, but removing secondary stats feels too big-bang related to me. And that's not really a version that we're here for. At least I'm not. I think that before jumping to conclusions, a poll should be created by what alternatives the server would be interested in.

Alternative systems
It doesn't even have to be a ''godly system''. Just buffing the items would be good enough, or a combination of reducing the required dex with a slight increase of stats. At least give people the option to go dexless, while going for a dex build would be better. Multiple ways lead to the same path, but I feel we're not quite there yet.


New Member
Removal of secondary stats
Personally i always saw the route of doing a standard build vs a "stat-less" build as a trade-off between damage and defense
where most people would just end up choosing the latter and then getting their stats late game trough scrolled gear.
i think reducing the amount required could be alright but doing away with the secondary stat completely feels wrong, and makes the choice of doing a stat-less character completely irrelevant

At the same time, choosing to go for a standard stat build always feels like a punishment because all the gear your encounter feels almost the same. maybe +1 or +2 on stats if you are lucky regardless of level.
For example a lv33 overall gives +3 int, while a lv68 overall gives +5. does not feel worth it compared to the amount of LUK you invested to be able to wear that piece of equipment. even with the improved staff/wand you get when you level up it NEVER feels worth it to choose playing anything but a lukless build

i agree with @Code that buffing the items and/or reducing the required secondary stat would be a good option