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  1. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    It will be added much, much later.
  2. Ninja

    [UPDATE] Mid-April Newsletter

    Praise you, Lord Racer. Thanks for everything!
  3. Ninja

    Weird Design Decisions

    This was a really neat breakdown, regardless of whether or not the point was something we knew all along or not. It was a good, insightful read. Having mained Bandits on most of these nostalgic private servers, I have gone Sindit, and pure Dit. The Sindit definitely progresses easier and...
  4. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    Yeah.. never went Aqua on my WK. It was Zombies and FoG to 70, then most of my 70s were in El Nath dungeon. (Yetis/Yeti n Pepe) 80s and most of 90s were deep Ludi, then late 90s and 100s were Leafre when it came out. So yeah.. never tried Aqua with WK.
  5. Ninja

    Not a FOG guide

    FoG is one of my favorite training spogs in the whole game, but I feel it should be added a little later.
  6. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    I'm a big fan of letting the dice roll decide your class. I did this in MG/ToV and OSM. I usually end up with Bandit roll first, since you can settle with X/X/4/X for them.
  7. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    I played a BW Page back in 2007 to level 100+ and the deep Ludi grind was honestly a BLAST. Even 70+ at Yeti n Pepe was a lot of fun.
  8. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    @Pacha I/L's always seemed like a lot of fun, especially early-on in a server's development. @User if you go Page please go BW.. if you go Fighter, please go axe. <3
  9. Ninja

    How are you guys passing ur time while waitin for beta?

    Still working for the time being.. So that passes a good bit of time. Other than that I'm either working out, playing guitar/piano, or going down Youtube rabbit holes.
  10. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    @DehydratedSlugs we can recreate my profile picture! :) <3
  11. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    @Quiet is it bad I thought of that? lol.. I love F/P's though. Especially when the Ossyria expansion comes out, they shine.
  12. Ninja

    A Warm Hello From: wackyracer

    August 26th, 2017 and the build up to it was a very special time in my life, greatly in-part due to the hard work that you guys put into creating MG/ToV. It was the best server any of us could have ever asked for. The fact that you're working to give it back to us in the best way(s) you can...
  13. Ninja

    Content at start.

    I'm a big fan of Victoria-only to begin with. I feel you have to be a little more creative with your training/farming, than if you had the standard paths that come with Orbis and Ludi right away.
  14. Ninja

    FOG guide

    FoG is one of my favorite training spots in the entire game. I never struggled with the 50s and 60s on, mainly because you can bounce between FoG and Zombies to keep things fresh.
  15. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    @Z00M @xerta it only allowed me 10 options. Option #11 was going to be either "tov" or "Ludi when" but I do love my beginners/islanders. @Robbery Gang Gang! @Neopets The first character I EVER played was a Spearman. I hope you enjoy it, if you go that route!
  16. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    Knivingdude still gon kniving, dude. ;)
  17. Ninja

    What Will You Play First?

    I feel it's only appropriate to start things off by asking the age-old question.. which class are you starting with? Feel free to explain why you're choosing it. I'll do it just like the poll from 2017, you can select up to 3 choices. p.s. ver excite 2 b back. <3