Recent content by Xalate

  1. X

    Custom spawn rates per map

    Just remove the most popular maps hahaha. *Poof, gone*
  2. X

    buff axe and bw

    I get why the post was created, and i understand the arguments. But you know what i would like to see more? People having fun, enjoying the game, not min/maxing everything. Want to use a bw because it looks cool? Fuckin' go for it, have fun. All these small details don't affect you too much in...
  3. X

    AP Reset

    AP resets are needed later on, imho. It does incentivize scrolling gear more. You know what every maplestory game needs? An anti-inflation mechanic! Aka, meso-dumping. I've earler proposed to increase the taxation from trades without being heard, but this could very well also be a good solution...
  4. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    That formula doesn't seem confirmed anywhere, looks like most people are unsure, and it's also from the japanese version of the game? I'm trying to find some more information about it. Until i can confirm it, i'll probably not update the guide. If anyone can confirm it, that'd be great. (It...
  5. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    Finished with Assassin part of guide, not sure if i'm able to update MP difference. However as far as i've checked (& i might be wrong): As lukless you will have 68 more max MP at lv 40, 224 more at lv 70, & 684 more max mp at lv 120. Assuming you never get any luk at all, and start with 10 or...
  6. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    Idk if you guys get notifications or whatever, but the dit part is done, now i'm going to add Sin part, and then ill finish up the bonus mana from int part. Happy Mapling, Launch Hype, Wacky4President, Brother meme, or w/e.
  7. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    Well i didn't know when magicodar would be available, i just saw that it dropped from mobs in ludi, which i assumed would be out once people hit that level. The reason i have maple weapons in there, is so people can see how little it matters even when they come out. Some people might think they...
  8. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    Ill hopefully finish it before release, but spoiler alert. Dexless sin < normal dex sin. (Without maple weapons), haven't checked dit yet.
  9. X

    Custom spawn rates per map

    Instead of buffing those maps, the most popular maps? Also, fog wont be available on launch, it will be a catch up mechanic later on. Personally, i'm not a huge fan of buffing stuff. Leveling is already easy enough, with the exp table being changed. But i get why you'd want to do it. I agree...
  10. X

    Dexless rogue & lukless mage

    This is a WIP! All tips & extra information is welcome! It's been pointed out to me that i might have used the wrong formulas when it comes to magicians, and that lucky seven uses a different formula to calculate damage. This means that the damage range for sins are correct, but it doesn't...
  11. X

    Meso inflation & trading

    I agree with you Halozy, it would be a good solution. However, it won't be very oldschool maple. Personally, i'm sorta fine with that. But i believe many people will have issues with this. My solution, isn't really a solution, but i believe it would slow down inflation by quite a lot, and it...
  12. X

    [WIP] Essential quest guide

    They will wear normal rogue items? Some might want to get the robe, to scroll (Although top/bot scrolls might come soon). However, i've done the math, and being dexless without maple weapons is worse than going normal dex, in just about every scenario i've tested. So going dexless before those...
  13. X

    Meso inflation & trading

    What do you mean they don't have enough mesos to buy items? From where? You don't buy high lv equips from NPCs, but from other players. And if you tax all the players, then they're all collectively poorer. This makes it easier for newer players to buy scrolls & etc from other players. (Why...
  14. X

    Meso inflation & trading

    Hello everyone! As we all know, the economy tends to inflate in Maplestory. Most games create moneydumpers, to fight inflation. Some can be extremely expensive, relatively useless items (WoW usually does this, e.g Haris Pilton Gigantique bag). Maplestory mostly does this via trading tax...