Buff Rangers!


New Member
Rangers Inferno got buffed in terms of tick dmg but it only affects mobs hit with it and its only kinda useful if you are able to avoid dmg and be on a safe platform and inferno n tick away like poison...(maybe add like burning floor so that the fire stays on the floor and when mobs walk into it they burn?)
at least Snipers freezing arrow is viable and always freezes meanwhile our inferno is super situational to the point where u might as well just bomb and stun them so that you can take 0 dmg...

Archers are also hard to balance as they are not good DPS wise and not good at mobility (good job buffing thrust lvl 1 helps alot) this is harder to balance as a whole as archers are generally build this way sadly... our dmg are also very inconsistent even thou we can crit hard but if we dont crit we tickle them...
As a summary I hope wacky and Rath can consider buffing rangers a little dmg a little ( can be mastery up so that our dmg is more consistent and higher) as well as Inferno so that its more viable (inferno cant burn bosses as well its kinda irrelevant to add).. :D
Hope you can consider our cries as archers..
Thanks have a GOOD DAY to whoever reads this!



Balrog Killer
How interesting. I didn't know bowmen were in a tough spot. I'd like to know the opinions of everyone else for this topic as well.


I think just the DoT added is great. With the amount of dex as a main stat, would mastery improve much? I know higher versions with 4th job have bow expert that moves mastery to 90%. The damage seems to be consistent.
The inferno damage seems like a cool thing, but I feel in terms of fairness, its kind of op to have both inferno DoT, and a DoT fire on the ground.
If that was the case, you can argue blizzard should be able to make an ice ground that freezes mobs when they walk there.
I think the trade off for freeze for damage good. Especially since rangers already have arrow bomb that stuns, which works for every mob, rather than blizzard works for certain mobs that doesn't resist ice (but has higher damage output).
Iron arrow is more linear and damage falls off with more mobs, while arrow bomb is less damage but can be angled.
I'd argue inferno is still great to use, while there aren't a lot of situations to use inferno that isn't sniping a mob at vikings, the same can be for blizzard. I'd argue its worse for blizzard.
You can always do a combination of arrow bomb for stun and inferno for DoT damage.
I seen some players use inferno at himes to get the DoT off, then use arrow rain when it's too close.
Puppet can help you land your inferno first hit too, it comes off great for mobs with a lot of hp.