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  1. C


    I have a lot to say about this as well but it doesn't matter because I'm a nobody that half the community hates anyways. The only thing I will add, though, is that it isn't so much that the wipe even happened/will happen. It's the fact that we had our trust broken only to have trolls and toxic...
  2. C

    Wipe, hype or not?

    @Roflcopter haha
  3. C

    Wipe, hype or not?

    I'll repost this because I edited it in and don't think you would've seen it. An even start doesn't guarantee that people will suddenly start playing by the masses. Like I've said before, you can't hide a bad launch, it already happened. Do you play any other games? Let me give an example...
  4. C

    Wipe, hype or not?

    Love your tone, brother. You argue with teens all day or something? If you actually read what I typed, I even said that I'd be willing to have wacky freeze my account, and to add, if it means that people could catch up. Why would you invalidate that my progress isn't harsh when archers have...
  5. C

    Wipe, hype or not?

    Exactly, I meant to add this to my initial post but completely blanked on it right at the end. You can't hide the fact that the server launch was bad, newcomers wouldn't even know that it happened. I'd also like to point out that a majority ruling is unfair in this scenario because, like I've...
  6. C

    Wipe, hype or not?

    Every single Archer not wanting a wipe, makes sense. Those who want a wipe are always talking about fairness, but how is a wipe fair to those that had already spent time on their characters and don't want to start the hellish climb like what archers have to go through to even be remotely...