Search results

  1. Mobster

    [Guide] Complete Quest Guide

    Hey there! The EXP values for all quests listed here are the ones you will actually receive in-game. There are no additional buffs. Also, we listened to player feedback and changed [Fixing "Blackbull's" House] from 50 to 750!
  2. Mobster

    [Guide] Complete Quest Guide

    Hello Maplers! It's been a long time coming, but the complete quest guide is finally here. Below, you'll be able to find every single quest RevivalStory has to offer. They are grouped by quest chain, and are also ordered by location first, and then by level requirement. Please let me know if you...
  3. Mobster

    [UPDATE] Closed Beta Progress & Some Good News!

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to chime in and say that there a handful of other quests also currently in the works, not just the ones that were mentioned here. Please stay tuned for our full quest list, as well as more info on when you'll be able to test them all in-game!