Recent content by Olympia

  1. Olympia

    Count to 10,000!

  2. Olympia

    [UPDATE][GUIDE] RevivalStory Hairstyles 101 + "New" Hairstyles Revealed!

    Thank you so much for clarifying hair locations and availability! I would definitely love to see and use a pink Carla if you make it happen!
  3. Olympia

    What Will You Play First?

    My very first maple character ever was a cleric, each time I play at a new server I always start with a cleric as a tribute for my good old memories back in EMS.
  4. Olympia

    Count to 10,000!

  5. Olympia

    Our Reworked EXP Table

    I like the fact that you are considering other approaches rather than just increasing the overall experience multiplier all accross the board, and I also thank you for being open to suggestions. By now we all know that extremes are easy, and it is the balance that is difficult - And I say this...
  6. Olympia

    [UPDATE] Moar Bugs Squashed & Happy 6/9!!

    Thank you so much for the hard work that you and the staff members are constantly investing on the development of this server It is really motivating to see that we have such an active development here, I can't wait to join! Also, I hope that everything goes well with @xellopi (I don't even...
  7. Olympia

    New here, looking for friends!

    Hello everyone, Olympia here! I always like taking a sneak peek to the server's community I'm planning to join to see if there's nice people around. So far you have warmly welcomed me on discord and I thank you for that! Even though it seems I have arrived unconveniently late to the closed...